
Anniversaries - September, October and November 2020

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September Anniversaries

5 Years

  • Kerry Linden, advancement - corporate, foundation, and government relations

10 Years

  • Alli Grim, library - conservation lab

15 Years

  • Ahmad Khazaee, information technology
  • Justin Weaver, facilities - millwright

20 Years

  • Khaled Sanad, athletics - rowing

30 Years

  • Reyna Stagnaro, biology

October Anniversaries

5 Years

  • Brian Dapson, facilities
  • Julie Dolly, health services
  • Edie MacPherson, Center for Leadership & Student Involvement
  • Mark Sandford, library

10 Years

  • Tammy Ertley, provost and dean of the faculty

15 Years

  • Chuck Haurik, facilities
  • Rodney Pearson, facilities
  • Tim Smith, information technology

25 Years

  • Sue Hodges, advancement - operations 

30 Years

  • Kathy Jipson, communications
  • Todd Lewis, facilities

November Anniversaries

5 Years

  • Jeff Blanchard, facilities
  • Jennifer Chapman, campus safety
  • Lynne Kvinnesland, library – reference/instruction
  • Jason Pierce, campus safety
  • Tina Sharp, health services
  • Madalyn Walker, accounting & control

10 Years

  • Danelle Delaney, financial aid

15 Years

  • Sarah Kunze, information technology

20 Years

  • Kevin Delaney, facilities
  • Holli Hadlock, mail services